Planning Spiritual Retreats


While my times of spiritual retreat and solitude have changed significantly over the years, the need for spiritual retreat has always remained the same.  Jesus Himself woke up and retreated to a solitary place while it was dark just to savor intimacy with His Father (Mk. 1:35). 


Here’s some ways to prepare for your spiritual retreat with God:


●     Plan ahead

○     A month before, look at your calendar and see what date/time works for you to block out at least an hour to be alone with the Lord. See if you can build out a consistent time each month (e.g., first Saturday of month)

○     A week before, ask God’s protection over your upcoming time. Ask Him to reveal anything to you through the readings or Scripture passages.

○     The night before (or on the drive back from work), spend some time asking for direction in your retreat time.  Fast from a meal, Netflix, social media, sports talk, or anything else that you seek comfort more than Him, as a means of preparing your heart to be with God.  Also remind your spouse (if applicable) how important this time is, and serve them well and ask them to pray for you.

○     Day of: Text/call someone in your discipleship group or church to cover you in prayer. Ask them to pray against the enemy and for the Holy Spirit to move powerfully during your retreat time.


●     Pick a place

○     Choose a place where you are not bothered or hit with distractions. 

○     Turn off your phone or put into airplane mode.

○     Prepare by taking a Bible, a journal, and a pen. (I love going “old school.” The less digital the better!) Print/write out these questions in advance.


●     Start by committing a full hour to prayer and reflection

○     First, spend some time praising God for who He is and what He’s done.

○     Journal out anything that you may be burdened with at the present moment.  Give those to God, and ask for His presence to still any anxious thoughts.

○     Spend some time in listening prayer. I usually dialogue with God using one or more of these questions:

●     Lord, how do you feel about me today?

●     Is there anything you want to speak to me about?

●     Is there anything you want me to process deeper with you from the Scriptures? 

●     Is there any sin that I need to confess and repent from?

●     Is there someone that you would like me to encourage today?


○     Reflect on the truths of who God is as revealed by meditating on God’s Word. Spend some time in grateful silence, basking in His goodness and love. Meditate on the Scriptures the Lord leads you to, prayerfully write down any reflections in your journal.


○     After this time of reflection, praise God for what He has done.  I usually direct my heart to a Psalm of consecration and/or celebration (42, 73, 84, 95, 100, 121, 136) or sing a song to end my time with the Lord. 


○     You may want to encourage other Hopefuls to do a spiritual retreat together.  You can meet as a group at a specified location on a weekend (see suggested spiritual retreat sites below) and then spread out. Afterwards, come back together to celebrate what God did.


●     Spiritual Retreat Sites

○     Lanier Theological Library -

■      14130 Hargrave Rd, Houston, TX 77070

■     Hours: M-F 9-5PM, Tues 9-9PM

○     Kickerillo Mischer Preserve - (281) 353-8100

■     20215 Chasewood Park Dr, Houston, TX 77070

○     Edith L Moore Nature Sanctuary -

■      440 Wilchester Boulevard, Houston, TX, United States, 77079

○     Memorial Park -

■      7575 North Picnic Lane Houston, Texas 77007