Engaging Love

by Randy Schroeder

God created us to need an intimate relationship with Him and with people. That gives us some interesting insight into how to reach out to our world around us and impact people that are not currently Christ followers. If I know that God created my neighbors with both spiritual and relational needs, then how might I weave these together to advance the Kingdom of God. Lets look at how the Master did it. 

When faced with a lying, cheating tax collector, Jesus connected with Zacchaeus first in a relational way, by eating with him, and accepting a man that no one liked. I think he was startled by Jesus love, and he was radically transformed. When faced with a Samaritan woman at a well, Jesus didn’t avoid or shun or condemn her, as most Jews would, but he startled her with love, and then spoke truth to her. And she was radically transformed. In other words, Jesus met a valid need for respect, comfort, attention, appreciation, approval, support, acceptance (all from the “one another” passages) and then introduced the person to the God who desires to startle us with his love. May we have eyes to see people the way Jesus sees them so that we can love them the way He loves them. And then may we be bold to proclaim His great name and what great love would suffer and die for us that we might live for Him.

Always Singing

So what makes you sing? Groups that I am in that are singing make me sing. Church worship makes me sing. KSBJ makes me sing. (You knew I had to throw that one in there). But do I sing when I am by myself. In other words, when I am not prompted by others or the radio or an iPod, does a song overflow out of my heart and life.

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Admonitions To the Rich

Are you rich? Most people I run into don’t think they are rich, no matter how much they have. I regularly run into people with $10-20 million that don’t feel rich. But lets remember to look through a worldwide lens, which will stamp rich on most Americans no matter what we have. 

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There is no secret to it: authentic community is not always easy, but it sure is worth it.

When Hope started just over a year ago, it was our sincere desire to see authentic community become the norm. Raw, candid, honest community, the type that takes courage and intentionality. But it’s not easy to nurture. It takes people who love Jesus more than they love themselves, and people who are willing to be all in.

It also takes covenant. That’s the key to it all. It’s a group of people covenanting together – holding each other accountable, encouraging each other, and hanging in the trenches together. There’s just something different about a community in covenant.

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